Action disabled: backlink

Gallery Plugin Syntax

A basic gallery can be added by selecting a namespace like this:


All imagefiles in the selected namespace will be added to the image gallery. Note: those images need to be a valid pagename, eg. all lowercase.

Instead of using a whole namespace of images, you can also specify a single image – this makes most sense when combined with the lightbox mode (see below).


The created gallery can be aligned by using whitespace (defaults to centered):

{{gallery> namespace}} (right aligned)
{{gallery>namespace }} (left aligned)
{{gallery> namespace }} (centered)

You can define the wanted thumbnail size by adding its dimension as parameter:


The default is a dimension of 120×120 pixels.

You can define the number of columns as well:


The default number of columns is 5 and can be configured in the config manager. If you specify a 0 no table is used instead all thumbnails are added in a sequence.

To have the filename displayed below the thumbnails add the showname parameter (if this is made the default in the config, you may disable it with noshowname):


If you want the files sorted in the reverse order use the reverse keyword (if this is made the default in the config, you may disable it with noreverse):


If you don't want to link to the image detail pages but directly to the image itself use the direct parameter (if this is made the default in the config, you may disable it with nodirect):


For fancy JavaScript based inline browsing of the images use the lightbox keyword 1). This feature implicitly sets the direct parameter. If this is made the default in the config, you may disable it with nolightbox.


All params can be combined:


You can also specify the size of lightbox images. It is done the same way as with thumbnails, except using a capital 'X'. The default is 800×600.


IMPORTANT: When you have added your pictures they may not show up in the gallery: add '&purge=true' to the end of the URL to clear the cache - and then you should see them. About the Lightbox mode

This mode will open the clicked picture inside the current browser window without leaving the current page. You can close the picture view by clicking the little X in the upper right corner or anywhere in the picture. You can move to the next or previous image by using the arrow buttons in the lower corners.

The picture is downsized if necessary to fit into the current browser window. You can enlarge it with the arrow button in the top corner.

The following keys can be used to navigate: Key Action → or n next image ← or p previous image x or c or ESC close the image view

The Lightbox feature will also be used for all images embedded using the standard DokuWiki image syntax and having set the direct parameter. This behavior can easily be disabled by changing the lightboxForEveryImg variable to 0 at the very top of the script.js file.

hilfe/gallery_plugin_syntax.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/09/25 01:48 von
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