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animal skulls (drosophilla melanogaster)

Em          C
    Sunday morning
      G           D
the rain has the same 
               Em C G D  
color as the sky

               Em         C
looks like the war in my kitchen
       G           D                  Em  C G D
yesterday            won the vinegar fly
                Em               C
   i think that insect, without respect
             G                   D             
is trying to eject my favourite mixtape 
              Em                C
out of my tapedeck 
G             D                Em     C G D D(e@3)  
                  with tangled effect

     F                        G                       Em                       F
and maybe you think that the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
     F                          G                       Em                      Am
and maybe you´re right and the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
    F                         G               Em                         F
but inside a war there´s no poetry time, no breakpoint to think stupid stuff,
     F                    G                    Em                   Am
and so i go round hunting animal skulls and today i dont cant get enougth

F Em D D
              Em             C
there´s no alternative to a fight
          G       D      
against this capricious and
   Em               C       
aggresive flying stranger
G           D
    that interferes my 
Em               C
sadness and occupates
G           D           Em C G D
               my territory

        Em       C
let me take you down
           G    D   
cause i´m going to
            Em     C  
strawberry-battle    fields
G              D
    nothing i real

     F                        G                       Em                       F
and maybe you think that the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
     F                          G                       Em                      Am
and maybe you´re right and the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
    F                         G               Em                         F
but inside a war there´s no poetry time, no breakpoint to think stupid stuff,
     F                    G                    Em                   Am
and so i go round hunting animal skulls and today i dont cant get enougth

F Em D D

Em          C
    As the day leave, 
         G     D             
and the world     falls into 
Em              C
black i look arround me, 
     G         D                  Em   C G D             
but noone and      nothing looks back

Em              C
    some drosophilas 
G              D
   are passing by 
    Em           C
and outside the rain falls, 
G              D             Em C G D
   still with color of the sky

    F                        G                       Em                       F
and maybe you think that the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
     F                          G                       Em                      Am
and maybe you´re right and the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
    F                         G               Em                         F
but inside a war there´s no poetry time, no breakpoint to think stupid stuff,
     F                    G                    Em                   Am
and so i go round hunting animal skulls and today i dont cant get enougth

    F                        G                       Em                       F
and maybe you think that the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
     F                          G                       Em                      Am
and maybe you´re right and the rain metaphors with the feelings connected with you
    F                         G               Em                         F
but inside a war there´s no poetry time, no breakpoint to think stupid stuff,
     F                    G                    Em                   Am
and so i go round hunting animal skulls and today i dont cant get enougth

F Em D D

Em          C
    As the day leave, 
         G     D             
and the world     falls into 
Em              C
black i look arround me, 
     G         D                  Em   C G D             
but noone and      nothing looks back

Em              C
    some drosophilas 
G              D
   are passing by 
    Em           C
and outside the rain falls, 
G              D             Em C G D
   still with color of the sky
susihatgekocht/animal_skulls_drosophilla_melanogaster.1309816000.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/07/04 23:46 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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