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Grey is gay

G-Seite auf 7., 4. und 2. Bund, E-, B- und e-Seite muted, andere leer

grey is gay

outside the window - the sky is gray it´s just another, rainy summer day and i hate it, i hate it, i hate it i swear and i betray, idon´t hate many things, but what i realy hat is gray grey is gay.

so fuck political correctnes, i swear and i betray i don´t hate many things, but what i realy hate is grey

outside teh window - the sky is blue bees, birds and rainbows - everything except you and i hate it, i hate it, i hate it, i hate it yes its true - i don´t hate many things but what i hate is blue … without you yeah that´s true

so fuck the stupid pairy students and parents in the zoo my eyes are mostly fine, but even darker gets this blue without you yeah it´s true

susihatgekocht/grey_is_gay.1284817710.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2010/09/18 15:48 von vehtoh
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