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sorry but there was an insect (my brand new shirt)

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str. C B/C Am F Em G F C
ref: C B/C Am F Em G F F C

D               D7              G                Gm
sorry but there was this insect in my brand new shirt
   D                  D7               G             Fm       B     D
i know it sounds like goteske nonsens, but it bit me and that realy hurts
Fm         B     D
year that realy hurts

   D                 D
i woke up late, like evry mornig
G                  Gm
every thing looked fine
    D               D
and in my head this dreamy theory
       G              Gm
this theory - wich is mine

  Em           G
i try to hurry up
         D                    D7
i didn´t find some clothes to wear
    Em            G      
the only thing i see is this new 
 D                  D7
shirt there on my chair

  B                A
i take it, pull it over
       G                 D
didn´t see what´s going on
   Em             G               D             D
as after a small stick this crazy beast is come along

and if you don´t belive me 

i swear i tell the truth

this story is for real 

take god to proof
susihatgekocht/sorry_but_there_was_an_insect.1262723599.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2010/01/05 21:33 von vehtoh
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