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the elevator song


<flashplayer width=300 height=20>file=http://vehtoh.de/FILES/20081225_elevator_01.mp3</flashplayer>
The elevator song


The elevator song (PDF) zum Herunterladen

you´re sitting
            G        e
next to the elevator door
            Hm               A 
between the first and second floor
and there is nothing

you´re hoping
        G              e 
the elevator brings you more
           Hm         A
it´s cabin is a labrator
for human wanting


G          e                  Hm          D               G
   the elevator brings you on up, but the engine didn´t stopp 
         e                 Hm               D                G
the automatic door stays closed, eight from ten is sure the most
         A            G                       hm
and the first seven       are gone long time before
you´re looking
            G           e
at the display it says nine
            Hm                  A
perhabs the last girl friend of mine
but she is upstairs

you´re hearing 
              G        e
the sound the elevator sings
              Hm               A
the ping that in your stomage rings
again descending


G          e               Hm            D              G
   another one is stepping in, a new big hope in the cabin
        e               Hm                D               G
the elevator lifts her high, ´till your étage and passes by
       A              G                       Hm
number nine is gone,     i think she left at seven


D             G        Hm
  this is the elevator song
              A            D
it brings you up and even higher
           G                      Hm
don´t be scared, there´s nothing wrong
           A                D
trust the 40 thousand pound wire
i´m waiting 
          G            e
for a new tour of the cab
         Hm           A 
but it stays at seven up
is it not working

i´m feeling
             G             e
that the machine is out of order
           Hm              A 
it´s up to me to cross the border
i´m going downstairs


G             e                 Hm           D              G
   i spend a long time here to wait, for the only one blind date
            e               Hm                D         G
and as i´m going down with me, starts a long muted melody
                A              G                 Hm
it sounds linke ten and i meet you as i step outside 


D             G        Hm
  this is the elevator song
              A            D
it brings you up and even higher
           G                      Hm
don´t be scared, there´s nothing wrong
           A                D
trust the 40 thousand pound wire

D             G        Hm
  this is the elevator song
              A            D
it brings you up and even higher
           G                      Hm
don´t be scared, there´s nothing wrong
           A          G                  Hm
except for one thing: don´t use this on fire 


D             G        Hm
  this is the elevator song
              A            D
it brings you up and even higher
           G                      Hm
don´t be scared, there´s nothing wrong
           A                D
trust the 40 thousand pound wire

D             G        Hm
  this is the elevator song
              A            D
it brings you up and even higher
           G                      Hm
don´t be scared, there´s nothing wrong
           A          G                  Hm
except for one thing: don´t use this on fire 

  1. evtl. auch „i`m“ anstatt „you´re“
  2. akkorde im refrain müssennoch umgeschrieben werden
susihatgekocht/the_elevator_song.1339346405.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2012/06/10 18:40 von vehtoh
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