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susihatgekocht:when_i_leave_the_past [2010/03/22 14:08] – angelegt vehtohsusihatgekocht:when_i_leave_the_past [2010/03/22 17:25] (aktuell) vehtoh
Zeile 13: Zeile 13:
    will brinds sing arround and springflowers bloom?    will brinds sing arround and springflowers bloom?
-Em (barré)                   Hm   Em +Em (barré)                   Hm  C Em 
-   will i notice this day, or will it run away+   will i notice this day, or will run away
 Em (barré)            Hm         Em (barré) Em (barré)            Hm         Em (barré)
    how many time, will this day come soon?    how many time, will this day come soon?
 </code> </code>
susihatgekocht/when_i_leave_the_past.1269263280.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2010/03/22 14:08 von vehtoh
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