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Your Hair


<flashplayer width=300 height=20>file=http://files.tobiaswerny.de/2009/20090222_your_hair_04_256kb.mp3</flashplayer>
Your Hair (accostic)

<flashplayer width=300 height=20>file=http://files.tobiaswerny.de/2009/20090222_your_hair_05_drum_256kb.mp3</flashplayer>
Your Hair (Schlagzeugversion)


Hm   Hm   Am7   Hm
Hm   Hm   Am7   Hm

Hm                      Hm                Am7      Hm
i  miss every hair from you, that i never found
Hm                Hm                      Am7      Hm
i´m unable to get true, that your never arround
A   A                  Hm         Hm
       You are never arround

Hm                        Hm                     Am7      Hm
many things i learnd, that i know now will never miss
Hm                          Hm            Am7                   Hm
many days i slepth alone, unable to come home, looking for some bliss 
A   A                  Hm   Hm
      i never get some bliss

Dm                      Am
you are my feather, you learnd me to fly
    B       F         A
but now im falling as you passing by

  Dm                   Am
i know what to do when you´re not arround
        B           F            A
but without you my skills, going down to the ground

Hm                              Hm                  Am7                      Hm          
surely one day i will see, what could, that can not be and sure one day i am free
Hm                   Hm                    Am7                           Hm
but, i always have a but, i hope i still see what, i´ve learnd from you to see
A   A                      Hm    Hm    
      i´ve learnd a lot to see

Dm                      Am
you are my feather, you learnd me to fly
    B       F         A
but now im falling as you passing by

  Dm                   Am
i know what to do when you´re not arround
        B           F            A                  endet auf Hm
but without you my skills, going down to the ground

Dm                      Am
you are my feather, you learnd me to fly
    B       F         A
but now im falling as you passing by

  Dm                   Am
i know what to do when you´re not arround
        B           F            A                  endet auf Hm
but without you my skills, going down to the ground
susihatgekocht/your_hair.1235770001.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2011/09/25 01:39 (Externe Bearbeitung)
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