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susihatgekocht:grey_is_gay [2010/09/18 15:48] – angelegt vehtohsusihatgekocht:grey_is_gay [2012/04/14 15:09] (aktuell) vehtoh
Zeile 26: Zeile 26:
 without you without you
 yeah it´s true yeah it´s true
 +outside the window the sky is red
 +just another armageddon day i think i stay in bed
 +so fuck the nuclear explosion outside and in my head
 +i don´t hate many things, but what i realy hate is red, red and dead.
 +so sad.
susihatgekocht/grey_is_gay.1284817710.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2010/09/18 15:48 von vehtoh
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