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Variante 4

        Dm            Dm     
if you look up to a window
      C              Am
that soft n yellow glints
           B        F
while the world is sleeping all
   Am     Am

   B                   B    
i don´t know where it came from
       F             Am
but my head plays a quint   
          B        F    
and the quint was followed by this
 Am     Am

       B             F    
it was one of these hints
      Am                C
that came from time to time
   Dm           C  
decisive for a hundret million
  Am   Am

            B               F    
and with a guitar and some time
       Am            Am
whit spit and googled rhymes 
      B               C  
this hundret million first one comes
  Dm Dm Dm Dm

  G      G
There´s no meaning be-
  C        Em
tween the lines there are no 
  C           Em
glues in my rhymes that makes them 
G   Fis

G   G

C  Em

C Am

B  C

Dm Dm 

alt. ende

C B    G G G G

Variante 3


F Em D D
F G  D(+1oct.) D(+1oct.)
Dis Dm B Am
F Cm B B oder F Dis Dm Dm oder F Dis Gm Gm 



Fm Cis Fm Cis
Dis Gm Gis Gm 
Fm Cis Fm Cis
Dis Cm B B    -> Gm (-oct)

if  you look up to a window
      B              A
that soft n yellow glints
while the world is sleeping all

   B                   B    
i don´t know where it came  
       F             Am
but my head plays a quint   
          B        F    
and the quint was followed by this
 Am     Am

       B             F    
it was one of these hints
      Am                C
that came from time to time
   Dm           C  
decisive for a hundret million
  Am   Am

            B               F    
and with a guitar and some time
       Am            Am
whit spit and googled rhymes 
      B               C  
this hundret million first one comes
  Dm Dm Dm Dm

Variante 2

         Dm            Dm     
as i you look up to a window
      C              Am
that soft n yellow glints
           B        F
while the world is sleeping all
   Am     Am

   B                   B    
i don´t know where it came  
       F             Am
but my head plays a quint   
          B        F    
and the quint was followed by this
 Am     Am

       B             F    
it was one of these hints
      Am                C
that came from time to time
   Dm           C  
decisive for a hundret million
  Am   Am

            B               F    
and with a guitar and some time
       Am            Am
whit spit and googled rhymes 
      B               C  
this hundret million first one comes
  Dm Dm Dm Dm

alt. ende

C B    G G G G

variante 1

       Dm            Dm     
if you look up to a window
      C                Am
that soft n yellow glims
           B        F
while the world is sleeping all
   Am     Am


F Am

B Am

G  G  G  G


Gm  Gm   F Dm   Dis B   Dm Dm

Dis Dis   B Dm   Dis Dm  C C C C

Cm Cm   B Gm   Gis Dis  Gm Gm

Gis Gis   Dis Cm   Dis Gis   F F F F

Fm Fm   Dis Cm   Cis Gis   Cm Cm

Cis Cis   Gis Fm   Gis Cis  B  B  B  B

Bm Bm   Gis Fm   Fis Cis   Fm  Fm

Fis Fis   Cis Bm   Gis  Fis   Dis Dis Dis Dis 

Am Am   G Em   F C  Em Em
F F    C  Am    G  F   D D D D

susihatgekocht/soft_n_yellow.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 2013/11/17 22:04 von vehtoh
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